Lyrics & Some Lyrical Excerpts From Some Of Drew’s 150 Songs.
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On a pale horse I ride, it takes me to the other side, to slay my enemies.
The blood in our arms, has made us strong, so we keep it clean.
Hey when lightening strikes.
Through your clear blue eyes.
There’s no darkness in the light.
In the clear moonlight, across a mountain side, I see our ancestors dreams.
The Great Hunt rides by, across the northern lights, chasing down our enemies.
Hey when lightening strikes.
Through your clear blue eyes.
There’s no darkness in the light.
Valkyrie fly by, across a blood red sky, to preserve our dreams.
Day breaks the night, bathed in soft pink light, Freya spins her sunbeams.
Hey when lightening strikes.
Through your clear blue eyes.
There’s no darkness in the light.
On a steal horse I ride, takes me to the other side, to slay our enemies.
Slap away the fear, and death will stand clear, Thor’s hammering in our chests.
Hey when lightening strikes.
Through your clear blue eyes.
There’s no darkness in the light.
Drifting down a country lane with no beginning or end.
Working a plan to bring them down, bring them down again with the cunning of reason.
Have no faith in the dark but on the light within
Only creeps creep in the night and the wind brings down a limb and crowns them. Its the cunning of reason.
Prowling wolves guard the realm. I tip my hat to them. Surrounding growling and pulling them down with natural law vengeance and the cunning of reason.
Degenerate appetites have exposed them. The debt and usury ring is broken and in the end they’ll swing by the cunning of reason.
Knowing means little to nothing, understanding is everything. Origins show how shallow the roots and how twisted the limbs and they’ll all be cut down by the cunning of reason. Grimmmm.
~When It Pains It Roars~
Verse 1: She came on like a season
Spring at best winter at her worst.
Edge to edge then came the sword play.
She like it best when he bled.
Chorus: Here we go again.
Trying to pretend its not over.
And our hearts are raw.
When it pains it roars.
Verse 2: Hunkered down living with a stranger.
Bleeding out while standing in the rain.
Working it out is like hunting with a farmer.
Who cares how its killed if its all dead in the end.
Chorus: Here we go again.
Trying to pretend its not over.
And our hearts are raw.
When it pains it roars.
Verse 3: She stood out like a statue.
I was easy in my stride & she was easy on the eyes.
Shaking her mane clawing at the darkness.
Roaring passion turned into a bloody snarling mess.
Chorus: Here we go again.
Trying to pretend its not over.
And our hearts are raw.
When it pains it roars.
~More Than Just White~
Verse 1: Across the ancient seas so emerald blue, The Ancestors were strong & sailed us through.
The Norsemen brought in the light, with northern forethought & might.
Chorus: It’s all lies, You’re More Than Just White
Verse 2: Have you lost your ancestors eyes, did your enemies remake you in the dark of night?
Indoctrinated with guilt & lies & now they call you just white.
Chorus: It’s all lies, You’re More Than Just White
Verse 3: We stand looking out from mountains high, across the fjords long & wide.
Stroud forth with light eyes, win or loose we brought in the light.
Chorus: It’s all lies, You’re More Than Just White
Verse 4: Ya they tried too convert you, the asiatics tried to fool you too.
Our Ancient beliefs pull us through, now wake & make the legends true.
Chorus: It’s all lies, you’re More Than Just White.
Verse 5: On the heath hidden from Abraham’s demons, It made us independent & wise Heathens
They stole our traditions & our lives, but we dragged the darkness into the light.
Chorus: It’s all lies, You’re More Than Just White
Verse 6: Horses hooves on unbroken ground, Our oars reaped the waters all the way around.
Our banners & swords rose & fell, We don’t need your heaven or hell!
Chorus: It’s all lies, You’re Far More Than Just White
~Crystal Fountains~
1st Verse: I say now ahh, It’s going to be alright, it’s going to take all of us and all of our light. Going to make things right, I say now come on, come on. We create all day and dance all night, under the sun and in the moon light, disco ball is too uptight, I say well come on, come on.
Well enlightened crystal beings, are you shining like diamonds, from mountains, across oceans, through solar systems and space, a beacon broadcasting from that inner place of peace. Open your eyes, your hips, your hearts and your minds! And why?… Z, because I wise women said, and why?… Z, because a wise man said, and why?… Z, because I said.
Chorus: Brace yourselves, dig your toes into the ground. Raise your arms and feel your hearts pound. For we all are one, we are a crystal fountain. Quench the thirst because you have been chosen.
2nd Verse: Well our warning has come from the oceans and mountains, With water and fire, For devastating beauty and blessing for selfish desire. Disguised as good intensions. Open your eyes, your hips, your hearts and your minds!
Chorus: I’m a cau-cau-cau-cau-Caucasian a Caucasoid. I’m a Native European not just a white boy X2
Verse: The oars & men stretch & heave. Passing through the pillars of Hercules.Arriving with the sweet Nordic breeze. Sailing down on the winds of Boreas. (Boreeass)Into the scorching heat.From their boreal forests, lands vailed in mists & shades of green… on the emerald-blue seas come the glorious & free. The Nordic, Germanic, Celtic, Gaelic, Baltic, Finnic & Slavic hyperboreans, Hyperboreans.
Verse: As fleeting as lightning but forever lasting. A person passes but a people are never ending.Echoing in the subconscious of our descendants built into their genetic frequencies. That resonate and release our cellular memory in an instant the whole of eternity. Memories are the dreams of our ancestors swirling in our descendants minds as waves of consciousness broadcasted worldwide by the supernatural aurora-borealis, aurora-borealis, aurora-borealis.
1st Verse: Why are we running from the cops. We haven’t done anything wrong. Wall streets a crime scene so we cordoned it off. 99 are stacking it on while 1 is ripping it off.
Chorus: And when we ask “Where did you stash our trillions?” They answer with pepper spray.
2nd Verse: Sink or swim you’re drowning if you ain’t on their Ark. You should have listened to those kids in the park. You can fool some people but you can’t fool us all. The masses are coming for you and your up against your wall st.
2nd Chorus: And when we ask ” What did you do with our trillions?” They answer with pepper spray.
3rd Verse: Did you think you could pay everyone off? Republican and Democrat maybe even the Cops. You can sell all day long but we can’t be bought. Enough is never enough and were are all fed up.
3rd Chorus: And when we ask “Where did you stash our trillions?” They answer with pepper spray.
~Tar Sands Boogie~ (aka Oh Canuckistan)
1st verse: It’s the tar sands boogie and it’s really ugly. They don’t care about you or the Caribou. Its the tar sands boogie and its sticky and ugly. They don’t care about me or you or the Caribou.
Chorus: Oh Canuckistan. Stop the tar sands.
2nd Verse: Its the tar sands boogie and its an ugly story about some fools who broke all of the rules. Its an oil companies promised land, and it belongs to the Native man, but its all about the benjamin$. Such an irresponsible and maniacal plan.
Chorus: Oh Canuckistan. Stop the tar sands.
3rd Verse: Its the tar sands boogie and its an ugly story about some fools who broke all of the rules. They clear cut the forests, digging up the bitumen. Poisoning the water and the Beaver Cree Clan. Setting off a carbon bomb that will annihilate man. Their trying to build pipelines to take the oil over the mountains to ship to China and south across the line, way down to Texas to be refined. And then it will cost you twice, what they pay in California. Big hat no cattle, big hat no cattle, big ego no brain.
Chorus: Oh Canuckistan. Stop the tar sands.
Be hat no cattle (meaning: extremely ignorant or plain stupid)
They put it on ya like a psycho. Genetic manipulation, modification more like molestation. It’s all genetic pollution! Its not about feeding starving African children. Nor is it salvation for humanities growing population. Its a grand allusion, designed to control our food and the population, without our opposition.
Its weaponization of our foods by a greedy few. Controlling corporations and their billionaire barbarians, who won’t eat it but you and your kids do. No one makes you, you don’t have to. Its poison but its not labelled. If it was, and it should be, it wouldn’t be on your kitchen table. But the officials have gone from public, to private, to public, to monsanto. You know, like a yo-yo, its so criminal. They don’t give a dame about you, its all about the dough.
So your best to try and grow your own and go organic real soon, but their moving in on that too. Trans-genetic contamination, its a GE Alfalfa invasion. Oooops there goes the organic certifications. Oh well, the USDA’s wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on. Anyway, this is the intension.
Intensional mutation and cross contamination that interferes with natural selection, evolution and conquers the existing gene pool. Now don’t start fighting, arguing or more neoliberal chit-chatting. This is the unifying issue of our time and our generation.
Down with the multinational corporations, consolidation, greed and the patenting of life by any human and hell no! A corporation isn’t a person. How did they get that one through? And no they are not Alien but their ideas are. They just haven’t learnt about love and compassion, thus far.
They are just empty beings void of feelings. Once we take away their seeds, they’ll be left there standing, sterile and staring. While you and WE bring back the birds and the bees. Undoing all they have done, simply. Like old Granny and Grand-daddy. You know doing what comes naturally, traditionally and respectfully. Rotating crops, saving seeds and Energy.
Preparing, so we can continue to live independently and free. Its all selfish really. Its all selfish truly, but some look out over the land for generations. Others, its only today they care to see. They’ll put it on ya like a psycho. They’ll put it on ya like a psycho! ©2012 Drew C. Rouse
~The Pen~
Opening: Ya I’m still walking, but my eyes aren’t dry or sore, because I’m not staring into the clouds looking for your face anymore. Cause you are right here, right here. The AllFather buried a seed deep, deep in our souls, that we have carried and cared for, now it stretches forth and we walk now with direction. Why? Because we want to explore. Ya, we love to explore!
1st Verse: Heathens, Catholicism and Christian, Rastafarianism, Judaism, Buddhist, Islam, Sikh and Hindu and all who worship other things too, like money! Listen up, different paths in one direction. Nothing will last through our division, like a nuclear explosion a blast of destruction, leaving nothing. Following Kings and Guru’s, Priests and politicians. We must cease and desist, look past the problem, because me, you, we are it and them. We are the deceivers, the deceived and the deception. Truth, lies, beauty, ugly & usury its all a reflection. We must seek and communicate a higher interpretation, of our chosen religions, governments and corporations. Not revolution, solution. Because the unborn are crying and the unborn are crying. “We just want to explore”.
2nd Verse: If we truly hold the twelve o’clock position in the circle of creation, then those who are brave, proud and strong, truly human filled with wisdom, must stand up! It’s the eleventh hour of our indecision. It’s here, it’s now, it’s happening. We can’t breath or drink this pollution. We have started to weaken, sicken, next comes mutation. Stopping our evolution and our souls ascension. And the unborn are crying and the unborn are crying. “We want to explore, we just want to explore”
Chorus: Ya I’m hoping for a grey sky. So I can hide from the Creator’s eyes. Selfish I’m not but selfless I’ve been. Take me back my God The AllFather so I can begin again, because I’ve become righteous. So righteous, so righteous, yes. Ya I’ve become righteous, so righteous, so righteous, I guess.
1st Verse: This is where I really want to be. My eyes have grown clear from looking out across the sea. Waiting for my ship to come in. To take me back so I can begin again, because I’ve become righteous. So righteous, so righteous I guess.
2nd Verse: Are we all not created equal? Then why one man so empty while another mans dog is so full? Let’s stop imagining and let’s not pretend, that we are all equally threatened. Don’t you all want some of that justice? Or is that just for those who wish to bust us. Don’t you all want some of that justice? Or is that just for those who wish to break us. You must think like a Nativist, walk a like a Nationalist, laugh & talk a like a Traditionalist. Feeling tremendous!
We are a consumptive, consumeristic, indifferent populous, with hands too full to make a fist. We’re an arrogant species with superficial ideas and beliefs that are less then loveless. We’re part of the answer but most of the problem. It starts with me and you but then it ends up them. We give for our conscience, never to make a difference…. now go, be honest, but most of all be righteous yes!
~Beauty And Soul~
1st Verse: Taking life mile by mile, Cruising up the coast in style, Life’s no longer an act of survival, So kiss your Judas and hug your rival. Are you only worth what your makin, Are you the only fool you’re foolin, Find yourself and find salvation, But don’t forget the taste of temptation, While you are awaiting the embrace and kiss of redemption. Come here and let go.
Chorus: Loose the fear and gain control, Gentle women and men, It’s all beauty and Soul, It’s all beauty and Soul.
Its a perfect design. You can hold on or you can climb.
If you fall its just back to earth.
There you will await your next birth.
Do something help someone.
Because we’re all forced to climb mount zion
But if you want to hang-on well hang-on.
But then all you will do is hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.
Come here & let go!
Chorus: Loose the fear and gain control, Gentle women and men, It’s all beauty and Soul, It’s all beauty and soul. Beauty & Soul.
I want to sing to the choir
Upwards higher & higher.
There goes another man down
I hope your spirit doesn’t go around & around & around & around & around, round, round, round, round.
Come here & let go.
Chorus: Loose the fear and gain control, Gentle women and men, It’s all beauty and Soul, It’s all beauty and soul. Beauty & Soul.
Chorus: Let the river run through you, Let the river run through ya, To the sea of bliss and mass consciousness.
1st Verse: There is a thread of interconnectedness, One end tied to the Earth the other to the God head, It goes straight through ya, It binds you as well as it free’s ya. Nourish your soul and that thread will grow. Into a river that flows, so!
2nd Verse: No 7 degrees of separation, Everything is connected since the dawn of creation, All interdependent, We are free only as long as we keep that sacred commitment, And only a selfish child finds himself more important, And only a foolish child does not correct it, The days of defiance from atop the gold pyramid are gone… there gone… there gone, So let go and let it flow… So!
3rd Verse: There is a sweet vibration across the land, A vibration not even prozac can jam, It’s resinating from her to him, It’s circular cellular masculine & wet & feminine, From Earth Mother to the heavenly AllFather and back again, It’s burning and flowing.
Last Verse: Let the river run through you, Let the river run through ya, To the sea of bliss and happiness.
~Abrahamic Mess~
The Masses are stuck in a web. Their pushed and pulled starved and fed. Staring into space while the Earth is being bled. Their tears and prayers won’t get them out of this, Abrahamic mess
Old Abraham your bastards are at it again. Your three brats will never confess. That your teachings were written by an Ethiopian African. But logic, Logos & Reason will get us out of this, Abrahamic mess.
We’re working in digital firelight. Like our forefathers did under the Aura Borealis. We understand again that we’re tribal man. Earth worship & heritage will get us out of this, Abrahamic mess.
Chorus: Oh baby, oh baby, Tone is so underrated, It moves like lust through us, Leaving me exploited and x-rated.
1st Verse: Can you draw me a map now to your soul. Show me where the weak part is at thats where I’ll go. Turning it up from the subs below. Moving you in your deepest spots now tell me who you love because I got into your soul.
Chorus: Oh baby, oh baby, Tone is so underrated, It moves like lust through us, Leaving me exploited and x-rated.
2nd Verse: Well I was moving like a cougar grooving her, loving her, f#$%ing her then spooning her…ha, hot! I used to be a hunter till I fell in love with her. What sucker, what mother-F@#$er. I love it hittin it night and day. We take a little nap till night comes we play. Moving her in her deepest spots now tell me who you love because I got to know. And remember I’ll be listening to your soul.
Chorus: Oh baby, oh baby, Tone is so underrated, It moves like lust through us, Leaving me exploited and x-rated.
3rd Verse: Tonally totally controlling emotion. Call it a 6th sense or intuition, But it’s a radar system, That tells me what you say is what you mean, If your intent is pure and if you’re keen, This shit moves like and invisible ocean, Soaks my senses and jades my emotions, Hits me in my deeper spots, Now tell me who you love because I got to know and remember I’ll be listening to your soul.
Chorus: Oh baby, oh baby, Tone is so underrated, It moves like lust through us, Leaving me exploited and x-rated.
~Chicken Hawks~
1st Verse: Chicken hawks are those in power, Chicken when asked to go to war and hawks when sending another. They must be cowards and very poor lovers, Just weaklings, gimps and bolsheviks. Yes, they need their war machines, to ignorant and fearful to find an intelligent means. Plus, look at all that oil and money.
If we don’t stop and exit it may come to be that the strong, brave and extra lean will be left to pick up the pieces by picking off heart sick martyrs on the beaches of the land of the free. The brave will have to ride them down because there will be no oil left in the ground.
Like thunder beats the hooves of their horses, light lightning cracks their rifles, like Eagles sour their voices. While the cowards and war profiteers hide in foreign castles. All because for years they send brainwashed siblings to fly over starving women and babies in hundred million dollar bombers.
This does not have to come to be. If you tell someone they’ll tell someone and we can stop this democratically. Stop everything and step out on your streets. Yell at the top of your lungs and whisper it over a cup of coffee. There killing Yemeni babies, they’re killing Palestinian babies for 3-8 decades. Hell, I do and this isn’t even my country!
Impeach and imprison these torturers, war mongers, zionists, wahhabists liars and cheats systematically. Me, you, we are the majority. All individually treading water in one sea of humanity. Nothing separates us no matter what they say on TV. We cosmically, cellularly are seeking, praying, meditating for justice and peace.
Its going to take more folks than singing “give peace a chance” while spinning around at a festival in fossil fuel oil synthetic fur pants. Hey I love to dance but not to hum-vies running over Iraqi, Syrian & Palestinian kids in their streets. Or to the sound of a millions of Yemeni & Palestinian screams.
Maybe its just me. Sorry I don’t mean to disturb you, your yoga class or party, no really think deeply and of course BREATH. But millions of American, Iraqi, Afghani, Syrian, Palestinian and Yemeni lifeless bodies really bothers me. Remember, every life counts so I will keep counting.
This time for war and the war machine to come down. Redistribution of its funds properly, socially, publicly, ethically. Healthcare, housing, education, corporate prosecution. Spend the rest on cracking the globalists & banksters usury, slavery and monopoly on just about everything. Not just here but internationally. Make these Nations true diamonds of democracy. Remember “home of the brave” comes first. Then comes “The land of the free”.
~The Flesh & The Spirt~
Chorus: And I’ll battle on. For our souls. Between the flesh and the Spirit. We lost the battle but we got to win the war.
Verse 1: The flesh is so weak. I want to touch it. But its what lies just beneath the skin thats always complicated me. But I’ll battle on.
Verse 2: They say I’m forgiven. I try but just do it again. Is it my nature that I’m forsaken. Can you promise me that I’ll see your heaven. If so I’ll battle on.
Verse 3: I’ll fight like a lion with the heart of a bear. A warrior for nature. Lets its human nature that I fear. But I’ll battle on.
Chorus: And I’ll battle on, ya. For my soul for my soul. Between the flesh and the spirit. I lost the battle got to win the war.
Verse 4: Mans forgotten instinctive Zen, Money and politicians push and pull him. What good will your flesh be when. Your Spirit and Soul lie broken.
Earth Mother Father Creator. Man kills when he doesn’t understand. Murderous children your in a garden. Eden’s not lost but its losin.
Her lips moved of heaven. I want to taste and believe them. She moved with flowing rhythm. The beat pounds and we dripped with this sin.
Chorus: And we battle on. For our souls. Between the flesh and the spirit. We lost the battle but we got to win the war. X 3
(Life’s Your Movie)
“Life’s Your Movie” ©1995 Drew C. Rouse
There’s a sunset behind a road sign. On a great highway that we call time. Ok, I’ll lead the way if you follow me blind.
There’s a coffee shop down in New Orleans.
Where people move in slow motion like a movie scene. Surreal confusion on my silver screen.
They’ll try to write out all of your lines. Direct your actions and in time. If you’re good they’ll project you on their screen.
But folks should walk with their souls. In wild places you’ll find control. I hope you understand before the credits roll.
Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver!

Written in 1988 about destructive clear-cut logging.
Intro: Sons of bitches, your eyes are blinded by greed, ya can’t see the forest for all of the trees.
1st Verse: Cutting them up and shipping them out. For what daddy did the children will do without. Further and fast, do as your told, but its lent by the youth not given by the old.
1st Chorus: Won’t you please quit cutting them down, the earths last virgins(Meaning: virgin forests or old growth forest). I don’t mean to sound profound, but it’s your own children your hurting.
2nd Verse: They are violently and hugely corrupt. With every tree that falls the earth heats up. A dollar earned but no lessons learned. If we keep it up we’re all going to burn.
Chorus: There’s a place in the field where nothing grows but weeds. Sometimes she goes and lays down there, she closes her eyes and she breaths. There’s a person in every crowd who grew even though the soil was weak, but where the rose won’t grow you’ll find the weed you know sown by the breeze.
1st Verse: He was a busker on the street, she walked by and through coins at his feet, he looked into her eyes and seen the pain welling inside, He said “can I buy you a coffee?, maybe I can help you see”, He scooped up a hand full of change held out the other and said “come on its starting to rain”.
Chorus: There’s a place in the field where nothing grows but weeds. Sometimes she goes and lays down there, she closes her eyes and she breaths. There’s a person in every crowd who grew even though the soil was weak, but where the rose won’t grow you’ll find the weed you know sown by the breeze.
2nd Verse: She was feeling a little down so she headed to the bad side of town, She looked but she still couldn’t see, She walked into the coffee shop and asked were he might be, Well it appears he died of a social disease, He was found in a vacant lot covered with leaves, Lead in his head, He was found dead on a bed of weeds.
Chorus: There’s a place in the field where nothing grows but weeds. Sometimes she goes and lays down there, she closes her eyes and she breaths. There’s a person in every crowd who grew even though the soil was weak, but where the rose won’t grow you’ll find the weed you know sown by the breeze.
3rd Verse: He was planted in dry hard ground not even the weeds beaten down, Dead flowers on his grave, He said “the weed grew even where it was paved”, She said “I brought you some coffee and some change for changing me”, She poured the coffee on the ground and sprinkled the change all around.
Chorus: There’s a place in the field where nothing grows but weeds. Sometimes she goes and lays down there, she closes her eyes and she breaths. There’s a person in every crowd who grew even though the soil was weak, but where the rose won’t grow you’ll find the weed you know sown by the breeze. ~D.R.
Offspring of acid head hippy survivor. In a chemical utopia you’ll find the VibeTriber. Things is bad no need to go numb, because here it comes, here come good-time Charlie. To feel supra alive. To be supra alive. Hear ye, hear me, experience positivity and come on Ya, Come on Ya, Come on.
We don’t like the powers that be, me, you, we. Yet we don’t move against them, maybe me, you, we are them. They tell us to run and we do as fast as we can. Slowly weaned away from the Creator’s hand. Big business, the beast and it’s government whores. Me, you, we are them and the decision is yours. So come on ya, Come on ya, Come on ya.
Here it is the big 1993, 2005(2014) Have we moved closer to God? Maybe me, you, we are ’em. You the millennials, the salvation, don’t judge or blame because me, you, we are them and we help them. Why? Because we love them. The earth the sky held and nurtured survivors, by the hand of God created, evolved the VibeTriber. Love, love love children and don’t be afraid. Me, you, we need till our dying day. I say now love, love, love children and don’t be afraid. I say love, love, love children and don’t be afraid. Love, love, love children, don’t be afraid. I say come on ya, come on ya, come on children ya.
YULETIDE (Written by Andrew (Drew) Rouse)
We gather together on the shortest day of the year. Out comes the mead Winter Solstice is here!
We meet at the fire, in the sauna and the hall. Yuletide is here come one and come all.
Wrapped in furs and smoking the cold. It’s what has made us strong, prepared, wise and bold.
(Bridge) We dance around the fire on the longest night
Your hand in mine in the firelight
(Chorus) Breathe the air cold but free ya. Like winters wolves we greet ya.
Yuletide has finally arrived. Howl my friends if you’re still alive!
Bearded and pink cheeked the guest blow in. Back smacking and laughing the celebration begins!
Tables all set with summers delights. We prepare and preserve to make it through long winter nights.
Meats taken down from the smoke holes of home. We tear and suck the meat and morrow from the bone.
(Bridge) We dance around the fire on the longest night
Your hand in mine in the firelight.
(Chorus) Breathe the air its cold but free ya. Like winters wolves we feast ya
Yuletide has finally arrived. Howl my friends if you’re still alive!
The music strikes up as the Elves shuffle in. All the way from Elfhiem all chuckles and grins.
Ladies dressed to please under mistletoe. Men built to provide, meeting them toe to toe.
Children roll on furs in candle light. We come together to look into each other’s eyes.
Faintly and in the background of it all. Just outside the door the north wind and wolves howl.
(Bridge) We dance around the fire on the longest night.
Your hand in mine in the firelight.
(Chorus) Breathe the air its cold but free ya. Like winters wolves we meet ya
Yuletide has finally arrived. Howl my friends if you’re still alive!!
Odin rides across the northern lights, on his horse Sleipnir hunting the longest night.
Frig is spinning sunbeams from her wheel. Sun wheels and Yule logs the darkness starts to yield.
Colours of the season green, red, white and gold. For nature, sacred feminine, seaman and suns glow.
Come all yee Heathens, Shamans and Freemen. For Earth, the animals and for future generations.
(Bridge) We dance around the fire on the longest night.
Your hand in mine in the firelight.
(Chorus) Breathe the air its cold but free ya. Like winters wolves we breed ya
Yuletide has finally arrived. Howl my friends if you’re still alive!!
(Bridge) We dance around the fire on the longest night.
Your hands in mine in the firelight.
~Beautiful Grace~
Chorus: Beautiful, beautiful Grace. Ya, they said she was beautiful, beautiful Grace. Mother will you remember my face.
Verse 1: Ya he was a handsome old man. They say I’ve got my Grand-dads wood working hands. He would laugh sing and dance always had the fire. A wood worker with an artists desire. Who ever said that you were lazy. You just didn’t live your life in a big fucking hurry. Something killed his ambition oh Gramp’s I’m so sorry but they won’t kill mine and it will be our glory. No they won’t kill mine and it will be our glory.
Chorus: Frank doesn’t sing here anymore. Oh the last time I saw him he was standing in the cottage screen door and I wish that I had said more.
Verse 2: nan had told me of his story. Abandoned three times still hurting at seventy. All I can image is his young face staring up at his mother, beautiful Grace. Being torn from her arms by a step-fathers jealous rage. No a boy can’t bargain with fate and the saddest two words are too late.
Chorus: Frank doesn’t sing here anymore. Oh the last time I saw him he was standing in the cottage screen door and I wish that I had said more.
Verse 3: Left on the farm with the hired man. His third father walked off across the land. Through the screen door little Frank, ya he’s watching. His voice climbs over the wind. I can hear him now and I can see his face. Oh beautiful, beautiful Grace. Oh beautiful, beautiful Grace.
Chorus: Frank doesn’t sing here anymore. Well the last time I saw him he was standing in the cottage screen door. And I wish that we had said more.
Verse 4: I dreamt I heard a choir of orphans singing my favourite song. They asked me to sing so I sang along. Oh sweet God up there in heaven. Make a special place for singing orphans. My Grandfather will sing you a solo so soulful and true. Well you’ll know its him his eyes are crystal blue. And the angles with their trumpets well they’ll join in and you won’t believe the sound that comes out of him. And in comes a choir of orphans. I don’t want to miss the show so please forgive my sins. And its a gift given by you. Lets them stay Lord and they’ll sing you the blues. Oh let him stay Lord and he’ll sing you the blues.
Chorus: Beautiful, beautiful Grace. They said she was beautiful, beautiful Grace, Grace. They said she was beautiful, beautiful Grace. They said she was beautiful, Lord beautiful Grace.
Mother will you remember my face. When the saddest two words are too late.
Abraham was Ethiopian, cam out of Africa to the Holy Land x2
You should know this if you worship him x2
Judea, Christian, Islam… you are all Rastafarians.
Native European. Native Europeans
We got Odin, Odin, Odin
Freyja, Freyja, Freyja, Freyja
Frigg, Frigg, Frigg, Frigg
Thor, Thor, Thor, Thor
Tyr, Tyr, Tyr, Tyr
Wotan, Wotan, Wotan, Wotan
Native European, Native Europeans
We got Odin, Odin, Odin, Odin…
~Child Of War~
Its not alright. That its all washed away. No media light. For The Palestinian… Sunrise. Sunrise, Sunrise.
Victims twice. As they raise their guns up high. Flight or fight. Before the African Sunrise. Sunrise, Sunrise.
There’s no time, because the valleys are all on fire. We must climb, to the peaks and the Afghan… Sunrise, Sunrise.
Chorus: See Their Eyes Shine with love. See them Rise Above. In the Afghan… Sunrise. Sunrise.
For twenty years and through all your darkest nights. Billions of tears glistening in the Iraqi… Sunrise.
Never forgive the marxist-zionist globalists. Who glorified war as we lost our daughters & sons before the Native European… Sunrise, Sunrise.
Chorus: See Their Eyes Shine With Love. See Them Rise Above. Like The American… Sunrise, Sunrise.
Child Of War. Child Of War. Child Of War!
~Big Brother Love~
Verse 1: Blood is thicker then kin. It can send you to hell quicker then sin
Every man bleeds no matter his colour or religion. So look for your brother in every face you’re facing.
Blood brother love kills war dogs and bad men. With a black and white war painted face
and a tomahawk of truth in hand.
He’s the executioner we take the blame and the stand. If I could stop it all right here I’d be God damned.
Chorus: And it wouldn’t be so bad. Be so bad. If we hadn’t so far to go.
It’s in the blood, in our blood. So why not let it flow?
Because crazy is as crazy does and blood brother love will unite us all.
I raise a cup of my blood, drink it or spill it but call, me Big Brother Love.
Verse 2: Battlefield painted red by the brush of death. It’s as quiet as a funeral home accept half a million men lay dead.
A man has to fight for what he believes in I guess. But there’s nothing to believe in at this level of madness.
Mothers bleeding heart cleans up fathers blood mess. Solders are pons with guns and no faces.
Politicians thirst for a blood they’ve never tasted. War pig, war pig take your best shot at the peace dove.
But she lands in the hands of Big Brother Love.
Chorus 2: And it wouldn’t be so bad, be so bad.
If we hadn’t so far to go…
End: Life’s a dream already dreamt. We all know the taste of blood yet we still accept.
The powers that be, unknown solders souls set free in a youthful genocide.
I say shoot the generals of each side with a war cry… hallelujah!
Call it social euthanasia, enemies eventually lie together. Berried by the hatchet of Blood brother love.
Last Chorus: And it wouldn’t be so bad, be so bad. If we hadn’t so far to go.
It’s in the blood, in our blood. So why not let it flow?
Because crazy is as crazy does and blood brother love will unite us all
I raise a cup of my blood, drink it or spill it but call
me Big Brother Love.
~Softly Spoken~
Verse 1: Alright, alright I’ll stay the night I guess. I’ll lay awake all night and you can sleep on my chest. Its a sin ya a sin that a devil can’t sleep in an angels bed. In my angels bed.
Chorus: So I’m leaving. Arms raised on fire, Heart broke for nothing, Hard words softly spoken.
Verse 2: Too tired to sleep to afraid to dream, How loveless and senseless most of life seems. She said forget your demons come sleep in my bed. I said not even the devil can sleep with demons in his head.
Some hearts are made of stone and some of much less. Yours cracked under the pressure I guess. We did all we could and couldn’t, Did our worst and our best. But what it all comes down to is a devil can’t sleep in an angels bed, In my angels bed. That’s what it all comes down to.
Some may say I crossed the line, But I move with the wind and not the times, What I’ve done I did and it was my best, God shouldn’t have put an angels heart in a devils chest in an angels bed.

~Abrahamic Box~
Chorus: Abraham was an Ethiopian he came out of Africa to the Holy Land. X2
The abrahamic’s are just tools for fools of empire, globalism & colonisation X2. You must know this if you fallow them. You must know this if you worship Abraham. Moses Hebrew’s, Jewsus Christians, Salassi Rastafarin’s, & Mohammed Muslims! You must know this if you worship them. You must know this if you worship him, Abraham.
Jewsus was the messiah of the lost Arab tribe of Judah not for the Christians. It’s all the devil and the saviour classic abrahamic dualism. Controlled by a Judaeo-Protestant financial empire called Zionism. Stop getting fooled by them. Stop getting ruled by them!
You don’t want to work for them. You don’t want to be an Orc for them and their globalism. Islam, Judaism, Rasta and Christian… don’t get used and abused by empire, wahhabism or zionism.
Don’t be an orc for them or globalism! Don’t be a bitch for them. X2
Learn your own native myths and legends x2
And not the Hollywood propagandised versions.
Chorus: Abraham was a Ethiopian he came out of Africa to the Holy Land, Palestinian land. You should know this if you worship him. X2
Learn about the Germanic Herrman who destroyed the Latinization Roman empire from within. And freed all men. This must happen again, and again, and again. This must happen again to free us all from the tyranny of the abrahamic box and and from the usury and slavery of globalism!
The Abrahamic’s feed you pie in the sky, all the while stealing everything from you until the day you die. They are crushers of indigenous cultures. They are not for the Celtic, Germanic, Nordic, Baltic, Slavic or any other Native men or women! We are heathen X2.
Chorus: Abraham was an Ethiopian who came out of Africa to the Holy land. X2 You should know this if you worship him.
If you went from heathen to Abraham, you must now return again! The Earth is calling… it’s bleeding and the abrahamic’s aren’t helping but hurting! We need our Native earth-centric spirituality and cultures again, our earth-centric beliefs again and their beautiful myths and legends.
Migration & neo-colonisation must end… and we must re-wild our Native lands again. X2 Migration & colonisation must end and we must re-wild our Native European lands again.
Remember why the ancestors lived & bled. Understand what is not rooted is dead. Remember what this Nordic, Celtic, Germanic heathen Shaman has said. X2
We have Woden, Oden, Thor, Freja. X7
Oden, Woden, oden
Freja, freja, freja
Frigg, Frigg, Frigg
Thor, Thor, Thor
Siv, Siv, Siv, Siv
Balder, Balder, Balder
Valkyrie save me X4!
All music and Lyrics written by Andrew C. Rouse All Rights reserved © Copyright 2016 Andrew C. Rouse
~The Mountain~
Verse: I wish I could pack up a wild horse and leave this city far behind. I’d climb high into the mountains to be free live or die.
Chorus: I am the Mountain and only the strong will survive me. I am the Mountain I’ll make a dead man come alive. Oh so alive
Verse: On the mountain strong and hungry. Nature humbles man to its side. Fat and weak in the city a death by dissolute and lies.
Bridge: Oh you’ll get a little hungry. Well you can take a bit of that pride. Oh you’ll get a little angry in time. In time.
Verse: You can sail on the ocean or ride the prairie wide. I’ll be dancing on a Mountain. Wild is The Mountain free am I.
Bridge: Oh you might get a little hungry. Well you can take a bit of that pride. Oh you might get a little angry once you realize and they’ll detect, they’ll detect your angry and they’ll come for you. So you better ride high.
All music and Lyrics written by Andrew C. Rouse All Rights reserved © Copyright 1995 Andrew C. Rouse
Fallow Drew On Social Media:
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Hello… so sorry for not replying sooner! Thanks for checking in! Enjoy the new songs I put up too! All the best! ~D