Drew is an active Native European peoples Rights & Title advocate, a ReWild Europe & North America environmentalist, documentary filmmaker, Heathen hatha Calisthenics & yogi teacher, writer, philosopher, conscious project actor, songwriter & independent touring musician who plays Rawk & SoulFolk Musik internationally.
Drew works closely with culturally intact Native European peoples & Native American/First Nations peoples who are dedicated to protecting their indigenous cultures and lands from exploitation, neo-colonisation and who wish to *Re-Wild* & preserve their lands and all its wild inhabitants for future generations. Drew wrote and produced a documentary on Canada’s wild horses and the Xeni Gwet’in of the Tsilhqotin Nation called “Cayuse: In the Valley of the Wild Horses”.
Drew built one of the first “eco-friendly” Bikram hot yoga studios in the world in Ventura, California, as well as, numerous other green building projects. He is interested in Rammed-Earth building projects now.
Drew was raised on an organic ranch in Canada and is extremely knowledgeable on organic farming & ranching methods. He is a tireless supporter of small, local, organic family farming & ranching practices.
Not just a songwriter, Drew is a constant writer with over 150 songs, two film scripts, numerous poems, thousands of pages of philosophical writings and half a dozen short stories under his belt.
Drew enjoys acting, but is extremely selective about film projects. Although if a role entails riding horses, playing with swords, axes, archery and guitars, plus has a conscious story-line, he may be interested.
Drew is an advanced Native European Calisthenics & Heathen hot hatha practitioner and a senior Heathen hot hatha teacher/instructor. Amongst numerous other activities, Drew is an avid horseman (Guided horseback trips to the top of Whistler Mt. in B.C.), skier (cross-country, downhill & trekking) & is a swordsman, axemen, horseman, outdoorsmen & traditional archer.
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At last! Someone with real expertise gives us the asnewr. Thanks!